“Put those on.” She proffered a pair of flimsy women’s strolling shorts, without a lining, which has been too small for me. Pulling them on, I observed myself with half of my reddened ass cheeks placing out, my engorged cock plainly visible through the skinny material. Susan then fixed a leather canine collar round my neck. “You will put on this all day,” she stated, “anybody will recognize that you are our slave. Put on your shoes and let’s go.”
Feeling like a fool wearing most effective the tight shorts, shoes, and canine collar; my mistresses led me down the steep trail leading the beach. As soon as we hit the seaside, Gina and Susan shed all their garments and ordered me to do the same. I became ultimately in a position to eliminate the panties and the butt plug, handiest the dog collar had to stay.
The seashore becomes sparsely populated this early in the morning, Gina and Susan ordered me to stand with my fingers at my sides at the same time as they fingered each other’s pussies in the front of me and watched my stiff cock bob in the breeze. Tiring of this amusement, Susan stated to Gina, “Let’s discover a correct spot to installation for the day.” “I recognize just the place,” spoke back Gina. “Let’s go.”
The women commenced walking north alongside the seashore, whispering to each other and once in a while glancing back at me mischievously. Trailing them, I turned into enjoying the sight of these two delicious naked asses and the sensation of the solar and the breeze on my skin. Gina led us to a spot about one-1/2 mile up the seaside where large rocks got here down the aspect of the cliff to the sand. During high tide, the surf lapped right up to these boulders; all through low tide, as it changed into now, the rocks created convenient alcoves for human beings to lie in and now not be visible by using passer-through till they had been without delay in front of them. This turned into additionally the vicinity where many of the gays who got here to Black’s Beach preferred to cling out.
Spreading their seashore towels on the sand in one of the alcoves, Gina and Susan ordered me to lie on my belly with my ft closer to the ocean and my legs spread. With a bottle of baby oil, they very well oiled my backside from neck to toe – paying unique interest to my enlarged anus. “You’re almost ready, slave. We simply need to make one greater preparation,” giggled Susan. Picking up one in every one of her sandals, she began to paddle my already glowing backside. When she becomes sooner or later satisfied that she had attained the right color, my ass stung. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that it changed into a bright, fiery red; glowing with child oil. Gina and Susan then positioned themselves on either side of me, sitting and going through the sea. “Now all we do is wait,” said Gina. I become going through the side of the cliff and turned into no longer allowed to turn around or appearance at the back of me. With my legs spread, my stretched asshole, and bright crimson ass dealing within the direction of the surf, I felt very vulnerable…however very excited.
I didn’t recognize what those crazy women had in mind, however, I became positive it was going to be fun. A couple of minutes later, I heard some humans approaching alongside the seaside. As the voices got here nearer and closer, Gina and Susan every positioned a hand in the crack of my ass and pulled my cheeks apart as widely as they could. As stretched as my anus have been via the butt plug, I knew it needs to appear as huge as a juice glass to whoever became passing via. With my face inside the beach towel, I realized that my cock was hard…I changed into going to be a faceless exhibitionist who could be ogled through strangers in passing! The voices unexpectedly stopped behind me.
“Hi,” shouted Susan, “pleasant day for the beach.” “Sure is,” spoke back a male voice “Nice ass you have there,” giggled a woman voice. Gina and Susan both laughed. Gina ran her finger across the rim of my asshole. “This is our slave. We’re displaying him off.” The voices laughed, alongside Gina and Susan, then moved on down the seashore. The women resumed their vigil.